Bespoke Fetch Instructions

If you have a bespoke e-commerce platform then we can connect to a URL you provide and fetch details about a specific order.


You need to provide us with an endpoint that is hosted at your end. We will access this via a GET request and include the customer supplied order reference.

Example Endpoint{reference}
Method GET

Sample Response

The response your endpoint returns should be in JSON and follow this format.

    "token": "YOUR_TOKEN",
    "orderOriginal": "ORDER_NUMBER",
    "orderOriginalAdditional": "ADDITIONAL_ORDER_NUMBER",
    "trackingNumber": "TRACKING_NUMBER",
    "invoiceNumber": "INVOICE_NUMBER",
    "currency": "GBP",
    "weight": 1,
    "trackingOriginal": "TRACKING_ORIGINAL",
    "name": "NAME",
    "address1": "ADDRESS 1",
    "address2": "ADDRESS 2",
    "town": "TOWN",
    "state": "STATE",
    "postcode": "POSTCODE",
    "country": "FR",
    "email": "",
    "products": [
        "name": "Red Shoes",
        "quantity": 1,
        "hs": "12345678",
        "sku": "RED1",
        "price": 29.99,
        "origin": "CN",
        "weight": 1,
        "primary_barcode": "12345678",
        "secondary_barcode": "",
        "image_url": ""


We will need to test the connection to confirm we're getting the information needed for customs purposes.

Once Integrated, please provide two order numbers for preferably completed orders within your system. We'll run some tests on these orders and let you know if any fields are not mapping across. You can see below for the kinds of fields we need.


Field Summary

Name Description Required
token You'll be supplied a token Required
orderOriginal Required as orginal evidence of export and used to identify your customers items Required
orderOriginalAdditional Optional additional reference used to identify your customers items Optional
trackingNumber This will be known if you use our labels. Optional
invoiceNumber Required as orginal evidence of export Optional
currency Ensure you use the correct 3 digit ISO currency code. Eg GBP, EUR, USD, CAD, AUD, etc Required
weight Weight of the parcel in KG, e.g 0.5, 1.0 Required
trackingOriginal This is required as proof of orginal export from you to your customer Required
name Surname / last name is sufficent Required
address1 Address of customer Optional
address2 Address of customer Optional
town Town of the customer Required
state State/county of the customer Optional
postcode Required as orginal evidence of export Required
country Required as orginal evidence of export Required
email Yours or your customers email is only required if using our label portal Optional
products An array of the item(s) being returned Required - Array
products/name Description of the item being returned
Required for shipping / customs purposes.
products/quantity Quantity of the item being returned
Required for shipping / customs purposes.
products/hs HSS tariff commodity code of item
Required for shipping / customs purposes.
products/sku SKU of item
Required to correctly idenitfy the item in your system.
products/price The price per item paid by your customer in the currency given above Required
products/origin This should be the country code for where the item was manufactured. Required
products/weight Weight per item in KG
Required for shipping / customs purposes.
products/primary_barcode The main barcode of your item Optional
products/secondary_barcode The secondary barcode of your item
If your item has more than 1 barcode then add the 2nd one here.
products/image_url Useful for label generation process and processing Optional